Historical Perspective

Good Shepherd Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers (GSIVC or Good Shepherd) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization founded on March 20, 1990, by a small coalition of 8 churches and the Shepherdstown Rotary Club, with the goal of creating a stronger, more caring community in Jefferson County. Impetus for this organization was through the efforts of founders Stan and Judy Jones.

An anonymous local, multi-year donation together with a grant from the Public Welfare Foundation provided 3 years of start-up funding to help Good Shepherd achieve independence and financial stability in the Shepherdstown vicinity. Two additional grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation assisted with development of a parish nursing program and expansion of work into southern Jefferson County. Not until October of 2002 was a South Jefferson office with part-time coordination realized as a Volunteer Recruitment and Training Center. In 2003, the parish nursing program became an entirely volunteer coalition, with support and office resources still provided by GSIVC. Through a series of evolutions and consolidations, the South Jefferson office was closed in 2010. Functions and personnel were transferred to the Shepherdstown office.

By mobilizing resources and support from faith congregations and the wider communities of Jefferson County, we reach out to our neighbors in need on a countywide basis, attempting to fill the gaps left by formal support services. Today, the majority of our funding derives from grants, donations and fundraisers.

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