Potters Bowl

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the 2020 Potters Bowl has been postponed indefinitely. Stay tuned, if we are able to reschedule it later in the year we’ll announce it on our website!

Event Info

Good Shepherd Caregivers Potters Bowl

Annual Potters Bowl held at the Shepherdstown Fire Hall.

Good Shepherd Caregivers host its annual Potters Bowl at the Shepherdstown Fire Department during the month of March. Volunteers, staff, and members of the community put this event together. Those in attendance get to sample up to 20 different soups

donated by local restaurants and community members. They get to choose and keep a special handcrafted bowl made by potters from as far away as South Carolina and as close as Shepherdstown. There is also our auction, featuring bidding on a variety of items including handcrafted creations, vacations, and jewelry.

This is truly a community undertaking with local restaurants providing over 20 delicious soups for patrons to select from.

All proceeds from the Potters Bowl are used to fund the GSIVC programs that provide continuing assistance for the clients living in this community.

The Potters Bowl Fundraiser is only made possible by the generosity of area potters, restaurants, donors, volunteers, and community members who attend and donate to this event. We offer you our sincerest thanks.